Sunday, February 5, 2012

SUPERBOWL 2012!!!!!!!!! GIANTS! ;D

I dont know what to write about today so im just going to write about today and the Superbowl!!!!! Who watched the game cuz i know i did!!! :D Giants V. Patriots!!! Who did u go for??....... So today was the Superbowl :D Ohhh YEA! and well im not much of a sports fan, but football thats just my thing well I like watching it and today my family gathered at my aunts house to watch it in her biggg T.V. we munched on hot wings, pizza, egg rolls, taquitos, potatoe salad, cookies and a whole bunch of other stuff :) and it was pretty fun my whole family was there and it was cool because some of uncles homies who just out the cell were there too and they just brought life to the party everyone was enjoying the game it was real chill! Every one was confident the Giants would win including myself and only 3 went for the Patriots and those 3 were getting bagged on the whole time it was too funny XD So there i was being a babysitter taking care of my cuzins baby boy who crys like crazy and my 8 month old cuzin, (I love her to death! Shes super sweet<3) throughout the whole game it was exhausting because no one wanted to deal with them because they were to sucked into the game. So there i was and before taking care of the family babies they had me cooking too i helped cook all the food which was tiring to because the kichen was heated up D; but i didnt mind cuz I like cooking and kids as well :)) but yes i really dont know what else to say because im pretty sleepy and tired from today but over all i had a blessed day today with my family and hope all you guys out there did too :)
and for those like my mother who only wanted to watch the superbowl halftime show just because of Madonna and funny happened to miss it! I attached the video ;) but personally I thought the half time show with Madonna was kinda to girlish and kind of sucked LMFAO should of taken over im sure they would of made it more interesting and funny but dont get me wrong i love Madonna shes bad ass<3 :D

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