Monday, May 14, 2012

Project Space

Michelle Carlos

Sean Pessin
English 114A

16 April 2012

Project Space

So I’m the kind of girl that really doesn’t care much for video games, yea I think their fun to play once in a while but don’t get completely hooked on them like others do. One thing I did notice about video games well some in particular is the area of space in the game. Space as in how real the game is, does it have limits? For example like only being able to play in one single area? Or can you go walking in the game to different worlds, time, or dimensions. Space in a game I find most fascinating something I as a game player never played much attention too. So what I’m going to do here is analyze how space is used in video games determining what makes videogames limitless and what puts boundaries on a game. The game Im going to use for this is a game for PSP called Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron.

Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron Coverart.png

The background of this game is based on the series of movies of Star Wars. What’s going on in the game is that there is war going on and you have to beat the bad guys which in this case would be Dark Vader’s guys and the goal is to defeat them in battle and kill of as many team members as possible from the bad guys until they flee the planet. The goal is to obtain metals and planets and defeat the enemy; defeat Dark Vader and his forces. So now join me as we walk inside this virtual world see where it takes us and understand the meaning of space in the game, Its limits and all.

The main thing to do in this game is to kill tour enemy before they kill you. So when you first begin the game you get to choose what world you want to start in. So right there its your choice where to begin you can start on land on a planet or even in open space. The limit is the number of planets. But now let’s dig a little deeper, so I began in a battle in the actual space in the sky. So I’m in my ship and as o float through space killing my enemies I can go anywhere I want its limitless my ship can go on in one direction and all it is are continuing stars. This make the game seem as if the player is traveling through real open space. But one thing that acts as a limit here is your commander as you continue on the further you go from your battle the main commander starts announcing that you are fleeing the battle but nothing really happens you just get that constant voice saying to go back to the battle that you are fleeing. Here is a video of the battle going on in space here you can see how the stars just go on and on and on and you can see how you as the player can pick any world you want to begin in.

Throughout the game you also have little mini missions some involving capturing the other teams flag and whoever gets the 3 main flags of the opposing team 1st wins so once again you would pick any world you want and just begin the limits to this mission is that u have to do what’s told collect the flags in that certain world and sometimes the world isn’t very big, it might seem like you’re going somewhere but you’re really not, you are just going in circles and that kind of sucks also sometimes when you encounter mountains and buildings you cant go through them or around them they just finish. Here’s some game play of the type of mission I’m talking about the obstacles and series of events you go through.

Another option you get as the game player is you get to choice what kind of guns armor and special abilities you can get. The people who produced the game put these options in to give the player a sense of unlimited access and control throughout the game you can change your guns and use different weapon you can also use different shields and change different amounts of strength to your character for example how fast you want to run there’s three levels this here is a limitless option given to the game player. Here is an example of the different weapons you can you of coarse there’s much more but here’s a glance at some.

Overall space in videos games has it perks you can some more advanced video games have more and some have less in this particular game it tends to have a little less space to explore but what I’ve analyzed of it is good I got to really understand what a big role limitless space plays in video games without not kind of unlimited space in games it would be just boring and simple not fun or realistic so space is the key to games.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Project Space Revision

Michelle Carlos

 Sean Pessin

English 114A                                                                                                   

16 April 2012

Project Space

So I’m the kind of girl that really doesn’t care much for video games, yea I think their fun to play once in a while but don’t get completely hooked on them like others do. One thing I did notice about video games well some in particular is the area of space in the game. Space as in how real the game is, does it have limits?  For example like only being able to play in one single area? Or can you go walking in the game to different worlds, time, or dimensions. Space in a game I find most fascinating something I as a game player never played much attention too. So what I’m going to do here is analyze how space is used in video games determining what makes videogames limitless and what puts boundaries on a game. The game Im going to use for this is a game for PSP called Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron.
Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron Coverart.png
The background of this game is based on the series of movies of Star Wars. What’s going on in the game is that there is war going on and you have to beat the bad guys which in this case would be Dark Vader’s guys and the goal is to defeat them in battle and kill of as many team members as possible from the bad guys until they flee the planet. The goal is to obtain metals and planets and defeat the enemy; defeat Dark Vader and his forces. So now join me as we walk inside this virtual world see where it takes us and understand the meaning of space in the game, Its limits and all.
            The main thing to do in this game is to kill tour enemy before they kill you. So when you first begin the game you get to choose what world you want to start in. So right there its your choice where to begin you can start on land on a planet or even in open space. The limit is the number of planets. But now let’s dig a little deeper, so I began in a battle in the actual space in the sky. So I’m in my ship and as o float through space killing my enemies I can go anywhere I want its limitless my ship can go on in one direction and all it is are continuing stars. This make the game seem as if the player is traveling through real open space. But one thing that acts as a limit here is your commander as you continue on the further you go from your battle the main commander starts announcing that you are fleeing the battle but nothing really happens you just get that constant voice saying to go back to the battle that you are fleeing. Here is a video of the battle going on in space here you can see how the stars just go on and on and on and you can see how you as the player can pick any world you want to begin in.

           Throughout the game you also have little mini missions some involving capturing the other teams flag and whoever gets the 3 main flags of the opposing team 1st wins so once again you would pick any world you want and just begin the limits to this mission is that u have to do what’s told collect the flags in that certain world and sometimes the world isn’t very big, it might seem like you’re going somewhere but you’re really not, you are just going in circles and that kind of sucks also sometimes when you encounter mountains and buildings you cant go through them or around them they just finish. Here’s some game play of the type of mission I’m talking about the obstacles and series of events you go through.

            Another option you get as the game player is you get to choice what kind of guns armor and special abilities you can get. The people who produced the game put these options in to give the player a sense of unlimited access and control throughout the game you can change your guns and use different weapon you can also use different shields and change different amounts of strength to your character for example how fast you want to run there’s three levels this here is a limitless option given to the game player.  Here is an example of the different weapons you can you of coarse there’s much more but here’s a glance at some.
Overall space in videos games has it perks you can some more advanced video games have more and some have less in this particular game it tends to have a little less space to explore but what I’ve analyzed of it is good I got to really understand what a big role limitless space plays in video games without not kind of unlimited space in games it would be just boring and simple not fun or realistic so space is the key to games.

Last Personal Post

So today i decided to go back to work since i sprained my ancle last sunday i though okay its been feeling better way better hey ive been off work and school this whole last week so i should be good right? it dosnt hurt no more doc said id be okay just not to jump around and stuff ended up being a total FAIL so i went to work stood for like an it was hurting second hour it hurt more 2nd hr. and a half i was dying foot swelled up again and had to go home early only got paid for an hour. -_____- stupid me now lets see how the journey to schoolo tomarrow goes.  . . . .

Happy Birthday Ama(:

So a couple of days ago was my grandmas birthday i love her with al my heart and im happy she can still beliving here with me she just turned 80 and still looks good lol i love you Ama Feliz Compleanos<3

black and white movies.

So ive have realized that some black and white movies are actually very nice and not boring(: Gosh now i really consider myself a movie freak >.<
This song reminds me of summer dirty dancing at the beach ;) Come already summer come!!!!! ;D Love this song!!!!!!!!!!

In the company of the birds

In the Company of Birds

Idk about this but all i can do is sit here really thinking if this is a typical conversation married men have, its so funny just cracks me up :)

Thank You Letter

So i ended up giving my thank you letter to my friend Adriana she comes here to CSUN with me but ive known her my whole life lol ive ben with her in elementary, middle school, high school and now college were not super close friends well we are now but i thanked her because me and her have always gotten through things togetrher school wise especially this last year here in collge we got really close and shared nice moments we got theough college together and she helped me alot i love her<3 and she broke down once i gave her the letter it was nice because she knows it to that this year has been crazy for us. and once again Thanks, Adriana(:

My Foundation Essay Outline -.-

Intro: Talk about the background of the book a basic summary of the book so reader can understand what the book is about discuss the main point in wich i would be talking about the book in this case i will be taliking about the time fragments in which the books are being produced and futureistic ideas

Body: In my body paragraphs i ill cut down the differnt time fragments and talk about the main events that hapened throughout the time and how it took graeat effect into producing the story  i willalso then talk about diifernt uses of power

Conclusion: In my conclusion i restated my main point how time plays the key role in the book

Basically thats exactly how it went.

Video Game Pic- Star Wars >:)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Prada :D

So i want these(:


So this is my crazy friend Dora(Ingrid) and i shes my ride or die girl we would go to shows together :DD raves -.- and just about everywhere all i had to do was give her a call :) but sadly she moved far far far far far away :( and i miss her to death nut i got to see her during spring break and it wasn't planned i just saw her ass at a show really random lol but awesome! :D here's a pic of us at idk what rave either Love Fest or TAO idk >____< but yess i miss my turquoise hair :(

Foundation Review

So I thought to have posted my Review for the book trilogy I was reading which is Foundation By: Iasac Asimove but appatrently I didnt. This was due like weeks ago but I will still post it anyways because I found this book very interesting and different from the things I usually read and im also hoping I can still get credit for it but here it is.

So I dont know even where to begin but here we go so it all began with the glactic empire and this guy named Hari Seldon who was a psychologist and what he does is he predicts the fall of the GReat and Mighty Galactic empire! But no 1 believes him because the city is so mighty and powerful so as seldons prediction begins to come alive people start taking action there are wars that were faught lives lost victories gained, and the prelonged prevention of the  fall on the empire decreased as the people did as seldon told them too. There were many bumps in the road but everything became well.

I give this trilogy about 3 Stars i liked the book but it was very confusing 1 thing that really bugged me was how their were so many characters but no main 1 it made everything a lil confusing but overall i believe the 2nd book to be my favorite there was so much action going on, and i believe this book to be pretty good especially for me because i dont read science fiction so go ahead and check out this book!

Long Live The King

Long Live The King

So this was this weeks abominable CC comic and i don't know, i don't really have much to say about it it didn't really draw my attention it kind of just goes along with the story i guess but yess i believe the white cat is the new king. . . . .

Monday, April 2, 2012

and Spring Break Begins. . . .

So yesterday was a perfect kickoff to the beggining of my spring break bon fire at the beach with my homies jack, sky, jimmy, Ms. Malibu and every1 else hehehe this is just 1 cooler theres plenty more were that came from :D badass night ohh spring break<3

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dinner Conversation

Dinner Conversation

So in todays comic Mr. Owl son has flown the coop how they say and hes well like any other parent depressed and sad because his son left, What makes it more dramatic is how throughought the sequence of pannels you can see hoe they slowly close in closer and closer to the owls face and how sad it looks it seems very dramatic. Poor owl i guess alot of parents usually feel this way in a point of time. . . . . .

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Drop your glasses shake your asses face screwed up like you having hot FLASHES!!" >:D

So this song reminds me of once a while back when I was younger and I used to bast this song in our Old Cadillac I remember sitting inside while my uncle worked on it while me and my cuzin Nene would sit in it and eat Hot Chettos and Power Aid! Damn I miss that car, we still have it but its all old and rusted my grandma said its mine i just got to fix it up! :D

Ohh yea and Gwens the BEST<3 :D
Found this video and this pic from back in the day! I saw these guys at the Key Club like a couple years back they were fkn awesome!!! :D got to see The Voids and other cool bands but LCB was the 1 I went to see(: great memories with my girl Ruby and I heres a throw back of me that day(im the 1 with the pink hair) ahhhhhh! :')

Fail ;)

So my fail was I ended up going to some Fancy restaurant in Hollywood I forgot the name of it but I had just gotten out of work and had gone over there to Amoeba to buy a record I've been wanting I was all dressed up like if going to an interview so I and my friend that was with me ended up going to this restaurant cuz she was hungrey it was a "black tie" kinda place to get in it was so random I had just seen it, so what I decided was Hmmmm.. Ima go in there with out shoes and my friends sisters bright  purple wigg that I found in the car and just walked in there to see what happens so I did and they didn't want to let me in they thought I was like a bumb or something they called the manager because I asked them to and he came and said that I could stay but that if I didn't pay up he was "going to call the authorities" and i said "dude chill do you know who your talking too?" and he responded "I don't care who you are!" point is in the end he had to let me stay my total ended up being $130.34 which isnt even alot we ate crab yuck! :p and some soup thing and chicken thing it wasn't all that I would of preferred Tams<3 But At the end the manager was the 1 who came for my money and I paid debit it went through and muthafucker was stunned! he quickley then tried to apologize and I said "shut up save your apologizes before i get you fired. -_____-" and walked out. What I learned from this is Society is messed up 1st class people think there the shit when they ain't even worth 2shits and going somewhere fancy with no shoes purple hair and half tucked in shirt is not approved or fit in ohh yea and every1 in the place was just starrring the whoole time. But I had fun it was funny seeing the look and that guys face! So what if I'm from South Central and went the way I did im ballin' and ima be someone in the world and once I become that someone im never gonna act all stupid and think im better than some1 else, ima remember were I came from! and I'm going to remember my fail :))

Monday, March 26, 2012

First Day Of Spring(:

First Day of Spring

So in this weeks comic its spring time and every1's sper excited about it! :D wait everyone? not so much, whats up with this guy?! o.O

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



So here's today's Abominable C.C. comic and I don't get it at all I guess its supposed to be joke but idk... I've heard of the riddle/rhyme whatever its called that goes like "how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood" or something like that, so im going to assume that a wood chuck cannot chuck wood and thats like the joke about it. I dont even know what a woodchuck is but if you get it just let me know(:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Foundation Fan Art

So this is my be-be-be-be-lated fan art assignment i drew a picture of a scene in Foundation and Empire with the prince, his right hand, Bayta, Toran, Ebling, and Magnifico(The Mule) this is the scene where the evil spoiled prince from i believe NeoTrantor captures Toran and the crew and has them all chained up and once the prince noticed that Magnifico was a clown he ordered him to play the visi-sonar which is a musical instument that is hard to be mastered. Magnifico indeed knew how to play this instrument very well and had played for carious audieces while with Bayta and Toran and so he played but itwas rather different from the sweet tunes he had played in the past this new tune sounded evil it made u feel afraid and just overall not good it hurt your ears and it felt as if you were dying! And indeed there was a death Magnifico played the instrument and killed the prince. That was the scene my drwaing portrays. . . . . .

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Cranberries

My this weeks post is going to be about The Cranberries, I've been listening to these guys since I can remember my mom introduced them to me when I was little. I remember she would play the cassettes on our radio and would play it loud at the house I grew up in as a little kid. She loved music classic rock and all, so I guess that's were I got it from but anyways I remember it would just be me in her at the house because my dad would go to work and sell doughnuts she would play The Cranberries all loud throughout the house and she would sit down with me and paint my nails and we would talk and clean the house and when we were done she would tell me stories play with me barbies and then she would make me my strawberry bunny and she would rock me to sleep<3 I miss those days when it was just me and my mom I can never spend time with her alone anymore just us its like once in a blue moon but its nice when I get the chance I love my mom<3 and The Cranberries, they remind me of her and there super cool to listen to when doing homework which im doing now lol


Lets all support KONY 2012!!!!!!!!

So this is a little late but this is  my free be weeks post for last week im sharing a link and video about this whole movement thats going on with this guy named Joseph Kony, he is a terrorist in Africa he kidnaps kids and turns them into killers and soilders just for his own pleasure and he gets young girls and has them as sex slaves which is the worst and they are very young and whats going on is that president Obama agrreed to help and stationed American soildeirs over there to try to catch this wannabe dictaor and terrorist i would say more but i say you just watch this video, i know theres also people who who object the U.S. in helping with this crisis because its "none of our buisness and we have our own problems" but i think its about time Africa gets some help theve been needed help they have always been opressed and have suffered dgreatley and they dont have as much as we do so i say its time to give back and lend a hand dont you? :)

Root Salad :D

Root Salad

SOo in todays comic strip its continuing on last weekes when Gilgamesh woke up Charles to make em' some breakfast so in this weeks its showing what a super delicious meal Charles cooked up for him! It seems to be a delicate piece of organic bark with a side of yummy dirt with a topping of earthly delight! Bon' Appetie Everyone! :D

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hmmmmmm :))

I Love Megadeth and Dave Mustaine<3 :D

Why I Havent Kept Up With My Blog Excuse -.-

So I have 2 excuses but I should not have any at all. 1st of all since were in the middle of the semester I have been all of a suden very busy with my other classes and since I feel like this blog is 1 of my most relaxed chill assignments I leave it for last, which brings me to my 2nd excuse I have very bad memory so I tend to forget. . . . .

Breakfast Call -____-

Breakfast Call

So I dont know why but this weeks Abominable C.C. didnt seem to really interest me maybe its because I hate when im woken up in the morning to go eat! Yea it might sound weird but my when i go home and stay over night my mother buggs and buggs me to get up and eat breakfast and yea that sounds like it'll be cool right well it is but not at 6 in the morning maybe for you but not for me >.< poor Charles. . . .

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Manson and Slash! :D

So im for sure going to be here!!!!!!!!!!! Fck Yesss Marilyn Manson and Slash<3!!!!!!! >:DDD
This is going to be To fucken Down!!!!!!!!!!! (Pardon my Language)

Pretty Chill Saturday. . .

So this Saturday was pretty cool I didnt think it would be because I had to work and now work takes up allllll my weekends because I be having to go in at like around 3pm and not come out till like 12 and usually ill be tired to go out anywhere but yesterday I got out at 8 and all i can say is I like Hockey now and that the Kings won 4 to 0 which was AWESOME!!! :D but anyways I went out with my friends to some Graff/Ska Show that I didnt really wanna go to but it ended up pretty chill they had like contest between people some being my amigos on like quick throws and idk it was just cool some of my homies did pretty sick stuff and i was like wow! :O I would of posted some pics but yea long story to thatt -______- I also saw some old friends to that I havent seen in forever and we got together and enjoyed the night. It was pretty cool no drama just a chill backyard show.  

The Abominable C.C:The Mountain Cave

The Mountain Cave

So in todays comic strip of The Abominable C.C. the mood of the whole comic seems to be kind of serious, you can tell by the way its draw and the way the captions are set and by the characters eyes and position. As i read this strip its very sad obviously its a father and hes done s what seems to be something bad he led his family to death and sorrow and its as if hes ready to die and hes repenting for what he did. This comic has a lot of depth and a very sad mood to it :(  It makes me want to know whats going to happen next! Will the war begin? will there be deaths and blood shedded? Who knows all i know as that theres something serious going on here, something big, we'll see what happens next time, to be continued. . . . .

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Personal Reflection...

So i Love my Life right now! :D well kinda im going to school paid everything off already just got me a job in which i was in desperate need of and now my final goal is to get my license and my car! Everything is going pretty sweet and love my classes this semester their pretty dope :D i just need to catch up on a couple of things cuz i have missed a pretty good amount of class sessions because of work but its okay its not gonna be like this for long its just the mandatory dates :) and soon my scheduale will be back to normal! Im felling pretty Fly and my Life is in the High :D Lalalalalala i dont know what else to write but im happy things kind of got a little stressful at a point but i got it put all back together why?? and how??? no real answer just with the help of God and simply because im AWESOME!!! im completed all my goals now time to set ny new ones<3 i work better under preassure and cant wait to see what comes next >:)

Swans are Still Such Jerks!

Swans Are STILL Such Jerks

So this weeks post of The Abominable C.C. they show this strip right here which is showing the swan from the past weeks strip still once again being a jerk and this time to the baby ducklings! This is so mean the duckys arnt even do anything dumb swan it makes me wanna punch it and punch bullies overall like my lil' Sister i tell her when some one is messing with you and they dont stop grab em' by the hair and sock em' in the face! >:D thats the only way they'll learn to stop messing with you! but these duckys dont do that they just swim away in fear! Poor babies :( Stupid Swan -___- ahhhhhhh... and once again tune in next time.... maybe next time the swan will get eaten by a shark >:)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Strokes and Jules :)

So today ive been listening to The Stokes all day long, it brings me back memories from 7th grade when me and my friends were all into these guys, specially Julian hotty hot hottie with them gorgious eyes<3 Good times with my Girls! :)) You gotta love The Stokes :)

Julian Casablancas<333

The Abominable C.C :Insomniac


So im back again and heres another strip from the Abominable C.C. and whats going on here is funny we have three differnt kinds of birds one chirping away the other coooing away and the third tweeting away and it looks like a nice picture layed out giving u the sensation that it seems like a nice morning time of the day but then you arrive to the last pannel on the strip and its a bat! and he looks very annoyed by all the noise, why cuz they sleep in the day and fly at night! Its like totally something i experience everday at home -______- everyone at my house seems to wake up a 6 in the morning and its annoying cuz i like to stay up late and sleep in but it never goes my way! To bad Mr. Bat no sleep for you this morning ;)

Tune in too next weeks post and once again Read My Mind Homie! ;D

Sunday, February 5, 2012

SUPERBOWL 2012!!!!!!!!! GIANTS! ;D

I dont know what to write about today so im just going to write about today and the Superbowl!!!!! Who watched the game cuz i know i did!!! :D Giants V. Patriots!!! Who did u go for??....... So today was the Superbowl :D Ohhh YEA! and well im not much of a sports fan, but football thats just my thing well I like watching it and today my family gathered at my aunts house to watch it in her biggg T.V. we munched on hot wings, pizza, egg rolls, taquitos, potatoe salad, cookies and a whole bunch of other stuff :) and it was pretty fun my whole family was there and it was cool because some of uncles homies who just out the cell were there too and they just brought life to the party everyone was enjoying the game it was real chill! Every one was confident the Giants would win including myself and only 3 went for the Patriots and those 3 were getting bagged on the whole time it was too funny XD So there i was being a babysitter taking care of my cuzins baby boy who crys like crazy and my 8 month old cuzin, (I love her to death! Shes super sweet<3) throughout the whole game it was exhausting because no one wanted to deal with them because they were to sucked into the game. So there i was and before taking care of the family babies they had me cooking too i helped cook all the food which was tiring to because the kichen was heated up D; but i didnt mind cuz I like cooking and kids as well :)) but yes i really dont know what else to say because im pretty sleepy and tired from today but over all i had a blessed day today with my family and hope all you guys out there did too :)
and for those like my mother who only wanted to watch the superbowl halftime show just because of Madonna and funny happened to miss it! I attached the video ;) but personally I thought the half time show with Madonna was kinda to girlish and kind of sucked LMFAO should of taken over im sure they would of made it more interesting and funny but dont get me wrong i love Madonna shes bad ass<3 :D

The Abominable CC #2

Date Night

So this strip here of the latest abominable charles christopher made me smile :) it reminded of my aunt and her husband. Right here The momma bird just put the kids to sleep which im pretty sure wasnt easy to do, and her husband bird trys to sneak off and then in the 3rd pannel the mom catches him and all she has to do is give him a look and sure enough poppa bird aint going nowhere for that night! haha :D casically its a classic situation. What made me think of my aunt and her husband is because they recently had a baby who is now 8 months and when i went over their house to visit this same situation would happen my aunt would change my baby cuzin and as soon as she was ready to give the baby to her husband sure enough he was heading out the door yelling "ill be back ina bit gonna go run an arrand" and all my aunt would do is give him that stink eye look and sure enough he would be back inside the house taking care of their chubbey wubbey baby :) it cracks me up!!

CSUN = -$$$

So today in my English class my professor started talking to us about something thats going on in CSUN something big and important; the subject being MONEY yup Cash! cha-ching $_____$ so what my professor said is that csun is in debt not just a small quantity in debt a huge one, i believe 7 million dollar debt. And because of this debt drastic measures have to be made. Some affecting me and every csun student enrolled. Whats goining on is that 1st their raising tuition thata already high enough, and 2nd they are going to try to kick out 2,000 students because its to much for the school. This right here is not cool and its not the 1st time i noticed this was going on with all this money shit. I for one had a bad experience with csun and their tutition and trying to pay for it, i had already paid my tuition last semester and i thought i was done with it but then weeks later i logged into my portal and saw that i owed 2-hundred and something for tuition because it happened to go up in my head i was wtf! i had already taken out a loan for school and yet i still owe more, thank God some how some way i was able to pay for it and the same thing happened to me this semester i currently owe 3-hundred and something to the school i dont even know why, but i do know that this whole system thing with the money is real bad and needs to be fixed. My main concern is that sice the school wants to cut students approximamenty 2,000  i could be one of them especially since im just a freshman i feel like maybe i can be 1 of the 2,000 wich is very unfair to me especially since i invested so much money into attending the school and furthering my education, and whats going to happen if i do get cut off my education will go down the drain and i can not let that happen. So these dumb people better put it together and fix this money issue because 1st of all its not the students fault we pay to attend CSUN we give our share of money its those idiots who spend it on dumb things b ut do they have to worry about getting fired because of their dumb decissions? Hell NO all they got to do is worry about who their going scam. Its not fair man im poor!!!! D; i pay to much for school as it is cut me some slack its the least you could dooo!!!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Swans Are Such Jerks

So i just finihed reading this amazing comic The Abominal Charles Christopher :D im not the kind of girl that likes reading comics but i had to read this 1 as a class assignment. i didnt think i would like it since comics were never really my thing but this comic actually got me wanting more! I started from the begining so i wont be confused on whats going on and now im supposed to be able to explain the strip i posted above but idk if it was just that i didnt really read carefully or if i just forgot what was goin on but what i got from this strip here which is the most current one posted is that the otter above i guess always gets pushed around or something and before the swan came along he got a ball thrown at his head and then afterwards he bumps into the swan lol poor little creature >.< What i also got from this comic is the portrayal of the swan, the author made the swan seem like the birds in the 4th pannel called em' a jerk! That kind of surprised me and made me laugh cuz i had never seen or read or heard of a Swan being a jerk. Swans are always portrayed to be lovly and graceful creatures but apparently not to the author of The Abominal Charles Christopher. :) This comic is awesome you guys you should totally read it and as i keep posting more about this comic u can also see and enjoy this comic some more :) Until Next time Readers!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hello everyone my name is Michelle, im a CSUN Matador! :D Im a very friendly person, I love to read and hang out with friends. I love Sunflowers their beautiful<3 I want to go to India someday, I love trying new things, meeting new people and exploring what life has to offer :)