Monday, April 16, 2012

Project Space Revision

Michelle Carlos

 Sean Pessin

English 114A                                                                                                   

16 April 2012

Project Space

So I’m the kind of girl that really doesn’t care much for video games, yea I think their fun to play once in a while but don’t get completely hooked on them like others do. One thing I did notice about video games well some in particular is the area of space in the game. Space as in how real the game is, does it have limits?  For example like only being able to play in one single area? Or can you go walking in the game to different worlds, time, or dimensions. Space in a game I find most fascinating something I as a game player never played much attention too. So what I’m going to do here is analyze how space is used in video games determining what makes videogames limitless and what puts boundaries on a game. The game Im going to use for this is a game for PSP called Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron.
Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron Coverart.png
The background of this game is based on the series of movies of Star Wars. What’s going on in the game is that there is war going on and you have to beat the bad guys which in this case would be Dark Vader’s guys and the goal is to defeat them in battle and kill of as many team members as possible from the bad guys until they flee the planet. The goal is to obtain metals and planets and defeat the enemy; defeat Dark Vader and his forces. So now join me as we walk inside this virtual world see where it takes us and understand the meaning of space in the game, Its limits and all.
            The main thing to do in this game is to kill tour enemy before they kill you. So when you first begin the game you get to choose what world you want to start in. So right there its your choice where to begin you can start on land on a planet or even in open space. The limit is the number of planets. But now let’s dig a little deeper, so I began in a battle in the actual space in the sky. So I’m in my ship and as o float through space killing my enemies I can go anywhere I want its limitless my ship can go on in one direction and all it is are continuing stars. This make the game seem as if the player is traveling through real open space. But one thing that acts as a limit here is your commander as you continue on the further you go from your battle the main commander starts announcing that you are fleeing the battle but nothing really happens you just get that constant voice saying to go back to the battle that you are fleeing. Here is a video of the battle going on in space here you can see how the stars just go on and on and on and you can see how you as the player can pick any world you want to begin in.

           Throughout the game you also have little mini missions some involving capturing the other teams flag and whoever gets the 3 main flags of the opposing team 1st wins so once again you would pick any world you want and just begin the limits to this mission is that u have to do what’s told collect the flags in that certain world and sometimes the world isn’t very big, it might seem like you’re going somewhere but you’re really not, you are just going in circles and that kind of sucks also sometimes when you encounter mountains and buildings you cant go through them or around them they just finish. Here’s some game play of the type of mission I’m talking about the obstacles and series of events you go through.

            Another option you get as the game player is you get to choice what kind of guns armor and special abilities you can get. The people who produced the game put these options in to give the player a sense of unlimited access and control throughout the game you can change your guns and use different weapon you can also use different shields and change different amounts of strength to your character for example how fast you want to run there’s three levels this here is a limitless option given to the game player.  Here is an example of the different weapons you can you of coarse there’s much more but here’s a glance at some.
Overall space in videos games has it perks you can some more advanced video games have more and some have less in this particular game it tends to have a little less space to explore but what I’ve analyzed of it is good I got to really understand what a big role limitless space plays in video games without not kind of unlimited space in games it would be just boring and simple not fun or realistic so space is the key to games.

Last Personal Post

So today i decided to go back to work since i sprained my ancle last sunday i though okay its been feeling better way better hey ive been off work and school this whole last week so i should be good right? it dosnt hurt no more doc said id be okay just not to jump around and stuff ended up being a total FAIL so i went to work stood for like an it was hurting second hour it hurt more 2nd hr. and a half i was dying foot swelled up again and had to go home early only got paid for an hour. -_____- stupid me now lets see how the journey to schoolo tomarrow goes.  . . . .

Happy Birthday Ama(:

So a couple of days ago was my grandmas birthday i love her with al my heart and im happy she can still beliving here with me she just turned 80 and still looks good lol i love you Ama Feliz Compleanos<3

black and white movies.

So ive have realized that some black and white movies are actually very nice and not boring(: Gosh now i really consider myself a movie freak >.<
This song reminds me of summer dirty dancing at the beach ;) Come already summer come!!!!! ;D Love this song!!!!!!!!!!

In the company of the birds

In the Company of Birds

Idk about this but all i can do is sit here really thinking if this is a typical conversation married men have, its so funny just cracks me up :)

Thank You Letter

So i ended up giving my thank you letter to my friend Adriana she comes here to CSUN with me but ive known her my whole life lol ive ben with her in elementary, middle school, high school and now college were not super close friends well we are now but i thanked her because me and her have always gotten through things togetrher school wise especially this last year here in collge we got really close and shared nice moments we got theough college together and she helped me alot i love her<3 and she broke down once i gave her the letter it was nice because she knows it to that this year has been crazy for us. and once again Thanks, Adriana(:

My Foundation Essay Outline -.-

Intro: Talk about the background of the book a basic summary of the book so reader can understand what the book is about discuss the main point in wich i would be talking about the book in this case i will be taliking about the time fragments in which the books are being produced and futureistic ideas

Body: In my body paragraphs i ill cut down the differnt time fragments and talk about the main events that hapened throughout the time and how it took graeat effect into producing the story  i willalso then talk about diifernt uses of power

Conclusion: In my conclusion i restated my main point how time plays the key role in the book

Basically thats exactly how it went.

Video Game Pic- Star Wars >:)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Prada :D

So i want these(:


So this is my crazy friend Dora(Ingrid) and i shes my ride or die girl we would go to shows together :DD raves -.- and just about everywhere all i had to do was give her a call :) but sadly she moved far far far far far away :( and i miss her to death nut i got to see her during spring break and it wasn't planned i just saw her ass at a show really random lol but awesome! :D here's a pic of us at idk what rave either Love Fest or TAO idk >____< but yess i miss my turquoise hair :(

Foundation Review

So I thought to have posted my Review for the book trilogy I was reading which is Foundation By: Iasac Asimove but appatrently I didnt. This was due like weeks ago but I will still post it anyways because I found this book very interesting and different from the things I usually read and im also hoping I can still get credit for it but here it is.

So I dont know even where to begin but here we go so it all began with the glactic empire and this guy named Hari Seldon who was a psychologist and what he does is he predicts the fall of the GReat and Mighty Galactic empire! But no 1 believes him because the city is so mighty and powerful so as seldons prediction begins to come alive people start taking action there are wars that were faught lives lost victories gained, and the prelonged prevention of the  fall on the empire decreased as the people did as seldon told them too. There were many bumps in the road but everything became well.

I give this trilogy about 3 Stars i liked the book but it was very confusing 1 thing that really bugged me was how their were so many characters but no main 1 it made everything a lil confusing but overall i believe the 2nd book to be my favorite there was so much action going on, and i believe this book to be pretty good especially for me because i dont read science fiction so go ahead and check out this book!

Long Live The King

Long Live The King

So this was this weeks abominable CC comic and i don't know, i don't really have much to say about it it didn't really draw my attention it kind of just goes along with the story i guess but yess i believe the white cat is the new king. . . . .

Monday, April 2, 2012

and Spring Break Begins. . . .

So yesterday was a perfect kickoff to the beggining of my spring break bon fire at the beach with my homies jack, sky, jimmy, Ms. Malibu and every1 else hehehe this is just 1 cooler theres plenty more were that came from :D badass night ohh spring break<3